student rally recognition

Renaissance Rally Recognition

Students are the center of everything we do as educators, so naturally, the majority of recognition at your Renaissance Rally will go to them. The goal is to reach students of all areas and interests. Look beyond academics and be sure to connect with “hard to reach” kids to add relevance and motivation.

Students are recognized quickly with a lot of spirit in many Renaissance Rallies.  Here is a typical run down of Recognition sections of the Rally:

  • the host calls out the group being recognized
  • the names of the students being recognized are scrolled on a big screen 
  • the music is turned up
  • the students stand up they see their name 
  • the crowd cheers

Occasionally, if the recognition is a single student or small group of students, they can be called to the front of the stage or gymnasium for their recognition.

The idea is to recognize as many students and groups of students as possible, while keeping the rally moving.


If you take the time to identify and recognize the achievements and behaviors that align with your goals, you will inspire more and create a climate and culture that all stakeholders feel a part of!


Ideas for academic recognition include:

  • Honor Roll / Student with the most improved GPA
  • All students that increased GPA from the last reporting period
  • All seniors that have been accepted to a college or university or trade school or the military
  • All students that qualified for a Renaissance Card
  • Student of the Month
  • Art Award Winners
  •  Instrumental/vocal music competition winners
  • Robotics Club competition winners
  • Color Guard competition winners
  • National Merit Scholars
You can also use the rally to recognize positive character and behavior. It’s a great way to make sure everyone knows they matter and are important

Ideas for character and behavior recognition include:

  • All students with no discipline referrals
  • All students with perfect attendance
  • Students doing community service
  • Students who embody the school motto or values
  • Outstanding club members, as nominated by each club
  • “Heart of the Team” athletes, as nominated by captains for their character or work ethic
  • Leadership
  • Effort
  • Kindness
  • School spirit
  • Clubs and extracurriculars that are often overlooked

Typically, for any staffulty recognition, you want to bring them to the stage or the center of the gymnasium to be honored. In some cases, short (15 – 20 second) videos could be played with students doing a quick testimonial.

  • 25 or 30 years of service to the district
  • Teacher of the Month
  • Custodial Staff
  • Cafeteria Staff
  • Office Staff
  • Bus drivers, security officers, and anyone who makes an impact
  • “Above and Beyond Award” (staffulty that continually goes the extra mile)
  • “I Inspire Award” (students vote on most inspirational staff member)
  • Any personal accomplishments of Staffulty (i.e. earned a new degree or certification)
  • Students can nominate teachers based on a prompt like ” name a teacher who has pushed you to be a better student” or “name a teacher who has made a positive impact on your life”


Consider having prizes for the people getting recognized. Examples of recognition and rewards include:

  • Concert tickets
  • Gift cards
  • Giant chocolate bars
  • Flowers
  • Donations from local businesses


*Many of the tips and games in this article are from the book Ideas, Ideas, Ideas: Rally Edition by Steve Bollar and Tina Dietrich. For more tips and ideas, you can order the book (item RN-111) in the RenStore.

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