Monthly Playbook


Hey, you! We like your style. You love your school, and you want to make a difference. Whether you’re the administrator who hams it up during spirit week or are just starting to discover what makes you a changemaker, it’s nice to meet you. We’re your people!

This Monthly Playbook was created by other enthusiastic educators, with you in mind. We know you may not have all the resources that are ideal for making change, but that’s ok — Renaissance is here to help! This playbook of monthly activities was made knowing the people using it may not have a team of people, large budgets or lots of time.  ​

Start small. Focus your efforts. ​Do the work. People will see and feel the difference. And over time, they’ll get on board!

Here’s how it works:​

  • Get a login for As a Jostens customer, you have access to helpful articles and videos that are referenced in this playbook. You’ll need to create a username and password to access them. If you don’t have one, click here.
  • Start by defining your goals. Once you know where you want to focus, it’ll be easier to explain why you are doing what you’re doing. And – BONUS – you’ll be able to measure whether it’s working.​
  • Each month, select and implement one or more of the recommended activities. Regardless of whether you are focusing on General Climate & Culture, Teacher MoraleAcademic Achievement or Character Development, we recommend always doing a Relationship-builder.​

And that’s all there is to it! Dive right into any month – your Renaissance journey of improving school climate and culture starts when you start.

Summer Planning

Finally, a chance to think! Summer break is a great time to reflect on the previous year’s accomplishments and start planning for next year.

Ongoing Activities

When you regularly pay attention to a group of people, in an inclusive way that isn’t dependent on their performance, you foster a tradition of making sure everyone feels seen.

Culture Challenges

When you do the school culture challenges each month, you can enter to win $500 to be used for culture and climate activities at your school!

Back to School

The first day and week of school are an opportunity to make a strong, positive first impression! Seize the chance to help everyone feel supported, appreciated and excited to be back in the building with one another.


By now everyone has started to fall into daily routines.  Help people avoid the habits of complacency and negativity by using one or more of these activities! We always recommend doing the Relationship-Builder as well.


Send people into Thanksgiving break with a greater appreciation for the people around them by doing one or more of these activities, plus the relationship-builder.​ Both students and staffulty will feel loved!


The time between Thanksgiving and Winter Break offers an opportunity to cement the work you’ve done this fall with one or more of these activities, plus the relationship-builder.​ They’ll smile into the New Year!


January offers an opportunity for fresh beginnings and renewed focus on Results. Don’t lose momentum now – do one or more of the activities below, plus the relationship-builder, to keep the energy going!​


Some see February as the hardest month of the school year, but it can be fun and, perhaps, even inspirational. Implementing just one or two of these activities, plus the relationship-builder, can make a real impact.​


Heard the phrase “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb?” Don’t let your school face the spring feeling meek. These activities, plus the relationship-builder, will help everyone finish with the strength of a lion!​


No Senior Slide or Spring Sloth is happening on your watch! Use one or more of these activities, plus the relationship-builder, to help keep everyone motivated to end spring term strong!

End of School Year

The moment has finally come! This is a season of built-in opportunities to create powerful experiences. Take advantage of them, then bask in the recognition YOU receive for creating positivity and heartfelt traditions.​


If you are a Jostens customer and you need a login to access all the resources on, email your rep or click here.

If you don’t currently partner with Jostens for yearbooks or graduation regalia or other celebratory products, you can learn more here.

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