Megan Sisk


This month’s National Renaissance Staffulty of the Month is Megan Sisk from Chisholm Trail High School, TX. Nominator Carla Hardy writes:

Mrs. Sisk has jumped into her new role as Renaissance coordinator with both feet and hit the ground running! She and her students have hosted Senior Sunset, providing an opportunity for seniors to set goals for the year and write a letter to their future self at graduation. They have sponsored hallway decorating contests. They have provided opportunities for students and staffulty members to show gratitude to one another through candy grams. The biggest project, though, is our annual Chills at Chisholm event, partnering our clubs and organizations with our community to provide a safe space for families to celebrate with one another at the end of October. This year, hundreds of families came to enjoy trunk or treat, hayrides, a petting zoo, jump houses, live music, food, and fireworks on our campus! She facilitated and coordinated organizations and community members to provide this memory for thousands of people in our community. She is a doer, not a talker. Her behind the scenes work that goes without public praise exemplifies the heart of Renaissance!

How long have you been involved with Renaissance?

Five years.

What’s a favorite Renaissance moment for you?

When I finally got to see the fruit of being a Renaissance teacher in the classroom. The environment became safe, open and enjoyable every day!

How has Renaissance impacted your school’s culture?

The parts of the campus that have embraced the Renaissance culture has flourished and is the students favorite place to be!

How has Renaissance affected you personally?

It most definitely has made be a better educator, friend, mentor and overall human being. It has helped me to see the bigger picture of life and education and pushes me to be the best version of myself daily.

What advice would you give to someone just starting with Renaissance?

Stick it out! If ren hasn’t been a part of your campus culture it is HARD to get it started, but once you have buy in and commitment from staffuly and students, it is worth every second of the build up!

Megan will receive a tote bag and a lapel pin in recognition of her achievement.

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