This month’s National Renaissance Student of the Month is Kamden Evans from Ottawa High School in Ottawa, KS. Nominator Kelly Whittaker writes:

Kamden Evans is a Junior at Ottawa High School. She returned from JRNC this summer inspired and ready to make an even more significant difference through Renaissance. Kamden was encouraged by the keynote speaker session led by Gian Paul Gonzalez. She, indeed, has been “All In” this school year. Kamden kicked off the year by presenting to the board of education with several of her core council members describing her new learning and excitement. Next, she stepped outside her comfort zone to become the co-emcee for our four famous Ren Rallys this school year. Kamden continued her leadership by organizing a fondue buffet for Staffulty as a token of appreciation for all they do! Finally, Kamden is collaborating with her core council members to schedule a can food drive at our local elementary schools. The elementary school that collects the most can food items, will earn a Ren Rally for their school! It’s been impressive to watch her enthusiasm carry right into the school year and continue to grow! Kamden truly is helping to make Ottawa High School a better place for Staffulty & students! She has shown follow through with all ideas presented this year and is focused on the 6Rs.

How long have you been involved with Renaissance?

Three years!

What’s a favorite Renaissance moment for you?
A favorite Renaissance moment for me was going to JRGC because it helped spark our minds with ideas. I also loved the friendship we gained with Licking Valley High school and how we still communicate with them to this day about ideas. Something else I got out of the trip was a stronger relationship with my school renaissance group, that I’m very appreciative for.

How has Renaissance impacted your school’s culture?
Renaissance has impacted my schools culture a lot by bringing up the positively and involvement. More and more people are starting to get excited about coming to school due to the activities and assemblies that the renaissance puts on.

How has Renaissance affected you personally?
It has affected me because it has helped me to be more outgoing and make new relationships with people outside of my circle.

What advice would you give to someone just starting with Renaissance?
My advice would be to get as involved as possible and don’t be shy to contribute ideas.

Kamden will receive a water bottle and a lapel pin in recognition of her achievement.


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