Thank you for attending the 2019 JRNC! Below are resources from the 2019 conference. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
JRNC Opening Video
Click HERE to watch the JRNC opening video!
JRNC Closing Video
Renaissance Rally Script
Click HERE to check out the full Renaissance Rally script!
Renaissance Anthem
Click for the Renaissance Anthem in MP3 format – To download: When on the song page, right click and select ‘Save as…’
Click to download the lyrics to the Renaissance Anthem
Storyteller Award-Winning Video
Congratulations to the winner of the School Culture Make That Change Video Contest: LaSalle-Peru High School in LaSalle, Illinois, with their video “We’ve Made That Change. Have You?”
Presentation Powerpoints
The following presentations were collected at JRNC. If you presented and do not see your presentation here, we’d love to post it and provide to your fellow attendees. Email to submit your presentation.

Dr. Johnny Berry
Building School Culture with a Diverse Student Body
Decatur High School has the distinction of being the fourth most diverse high school in Alabama. This session will discuss how to include all students in improving the climate and culture of a high school.

Bonnie Blackman
Salsa and Chips: Dip Into a Great Collaboration
Are you starting or growing your Renaissance Program and do you need a good teammate? Learn ways to partner with an existing program within your school to drive your Renaissance objectives and maximize engagement.

Steve Bollar
Implementing Renaissance into Administration
As a school leader, how do you take the philosophy of Renaissance and make it real within your school and district? This session will break down the 5 R’s of Renaissance into a realistic process for school administrators to use as a guide for leadership.

Brad Boy
Bridging the Gap from Middle School to High School
Would you like to strengthen your school’s Renaissance program while, at the same time, better prepare middle school students for their high school experience? This session shows how to execute activities such as a “Legacy vs. Likes” book study, tours, rallies, mentors and more to get middle school students in a Renaissance mindset and ease the transition to high school.

Dr. Tara Campbell
Make It Reign: Proven Renaissance Fundraisers
Based on her book (written with Dr. Phillip Campbell), Jostens Renaissance: Make it Reign, Tara will share tried and true fundraisers that build relationships and create traditions as well as raising the money you need to make your ideas become reality.

Dr. Tara Campbell
The new Jostens Renaissance Leadership Curriculum converges the study of leadership principles with the action of building a healthy school-wide climate and culture. This presentation gives an overview of the leadership curriculum and directions for Jostens customers to access this resource.

Dr. Michelle CarneyRay-Yoder
Supercharged Elementary Jostens Renaissance
Starting an elementary level or fine-tuning an existing Jostens Renaissance program? Learn how to run (not walk) with a young elementary program. You will hear the Dos and Don’ts, ideas to grow your programs, student leadership, along with ways to adjust middle and high school level ideas for the little guys. Come see the Mad Hatter for some elementary fun!

Melissa Cyr
Year One Implementation at the Secondary Level
This session will focus on the value of Renaissance climate and culture work at the secondary level. Useful resources and strategies will be shared to support implementation at your school.

Tina Dietrich
Jostens Renaissance – Elementary Style
Jostens Renaissance program is a perfect fit for your elementary school! Come let us tell you how we got started, what we do to keep it going, and how we keep our program fresh and exciting. Don’t shy away when you see “elementary.” We have ideas for everyone!

Adam Erickson
Renaissance Year One in Middle School
Renaissance has been a way of life on our campus for almost two decades. We’ve created, borrowed and acquired a bounty of ideas over the past twenty years and we are here to share them with you! We will reveal how keep our students and staffulty happy and motivated all year long. Although we are a middle school, you can use and modify most of our ideas to fit your grade level.

Joy Glaspy
You only have 180 days to create culture you want and let the entire school community know that they matter. Every day is important, from the first day of school to the last. You will walk away with simple ideas and strategies that you can take back to your school to better recognize, reward and acknowledge all people in your school community all year long.

Andrea Henry
Having trouble starting and sustaining a Renaissance program at your school? At LaSalle-Peru High School not only have we sustained a program for the past twelve years, but we have also grown into a student-led club that recognizes 100% of our school community. By using the 5 R’s of Renaissance, we have been able to connect with all stakeholders including students, staffulty and community members. Creating this network of supporters has allowed us to gain the momentum and funds we need to support and further our program. Come to our session to hear ideas for recognizing and rewarding all stakeholders, as well as funding ideas to support your program. Giveaways included!

Kevin Johnson
Know Your Core Values and Become a Better Leader!
Have you ever examined what your own core values are? Does your school have core values, or are they just painted on the wall? Become a greater leader by knowing who you are!

Kevin Johnson
Renaissance and PBIS: A Perfectly Positive Match!
At Lucille Umbarger School we are using PBIS and Renaissance recognition to celebrate successes, to reinforce and recognize our Core Values, and to create a community of positivity. We have transformed our school from a national leader in office referrals to a school that celebrates kindness, safety, responsibility and engagement. Come hear our success story!

Rhett Ladner
This session will put the “Why” in Renaissance and give you the tools that you can use to show all stakeholders why they need Renaissance in your school.

Melanie Lindsay
Rethinking the First Day of School
The first day of school should not be a set of bureaucratic activities on a checklist. It is your first opportunity to build trust and community and to make students and staffulty feel connected and welcomed. It should be a peak moment that is remembered for the rest of the year. Learn how staffulty and students in a high school and an elementary school make this happen.

Melanie Lindsay
Role With It: Making Changes to Your Class Makeup
How dynamic are the roles within your Renaissance class? Do you have the same ten you have always had or are you morphing as the needs of the campus change? Change can be impactful when it is intentional.

Kate Mich
The Jostens Renaissance School of Distinction designation was created to celebrate those schools that, in collaboration with the Renaissance community, are making a positive impact on school climate and culture through executing the Renaissance formula: RESPECT + RECOGNIZE + REWARD + REINFORCE = RESULTS. This presentation gives an overview of the recognition, details on the different criteria needed for difference levels, and a preview of the process for submitting evidence of meeting the criteria.

Jamie Mooring
Elephant in the Room and Love Week
We will go over the set up and implementation of two annual events that have allowed us to continue to address empathy and mental health. Love Week is a week-long, school-wide project focused on empathy compassion that is lead by classroom teachers and Elephant in the Room is a story-teller session with our own students and staff that we use to talk about the difficult things we all deal with.

Tracy Mossburger
Focus on Community: A Make-A-Wish Homecoming
After years of working on building a positive culture and climate in our building, we successfully got the school and community on board to turn our 2018 Homecoming into a fundraising event for Make-A-Wish Michigan. Find out the simple steps you can put into place to grow your Renaissance program and make a lasting impact on your school and local community!

Jason Smith
How to Successfully Implement Renaissance at Your School: A Principal’s Perspective
The journey of starting Renaissance at two large high schools, from the perspective of the principal.

Matthew Stellwagen
All You Need in Live You Learned in Activities
Did you ever wonder how being involved in activities affects your experiences in college, work and family? This session looks at the research and provides ideas to help you shape and make the most out of your experiences in activities

Ali Stinson
This is an interactive session designed to create and sustain a positive culture and climate on a month-to-month basis. Participants will leave this session with a wealth of ideas, projects, and a network of other educators/schools that will provide support for continued improvement of your Renaissance program. school.

Terri VanderWijst
Let Us Show You What Renaissance Is
In this session, we’ll share visible details that can put your school in the spotlight. Learn what it is like to walk through our hallways, and how we have created a palpable climate and culture that every administrator, staffulty member and student wants to be part of.

Kerri Wilder
Fanning the Flames: An Elementary Renaissance
We will share how we have incorporated Jostens Renaissance into our elementary school. We will share pep rally ideas, funding ideas, student recognition ideas and teacher recognition ideas, all specifically for the elementary level.

Steve Woolf
Renaissance schools are different, and Renaissance educators are different! You will laugh, cry and come out the other side of this session understanding why and how Renaissance folks are truly world changers!
Student POV Presentations
Baker High School
Pep Week – Rally Around Homecoming
Is your school suffering from lack of spirit and participation? We have a cure for you! Check out this unique way of celebrating homecoming week that involves all students and staffulty, as well as the community. Build class camaraderie, relationships, and school spirit.
LaSalle-Peru High School
Are you looking to create or improve a school wide reward program? Come join us as we share our ideas on how we successfully implemented and sustained our Renaissance Incentive Cards for over 12 years. This POV is excellent for both schools new to Renaissance and established programs!
Rogers High School
A-Day: Academic Recognition for As and Improvement
A-Day is an event at our school that involves celebrating the significant academic achievements of our students from 4.0s to .5 improvements. This is done through awarding prizes and enjoying a BBQ together. We hope to enlighten you with another way to recognize your students!